A week is a long time in politics!” has never been more apt. The last seven days showed the Tory government is paralysed by sleaze and scandal. It is simply unfit to govern. Instead of dealing with the cost-of-living crisis, the new Chancellor spent his first day in office asking the PM to quit. The Attorney General was on television, not to talk about legal aid cuts or rising case backlogs, but to announce her own leadership bid, before the PM had actually said he was going.
While the Tories are wrapped up in their own crises, the people of Bristol West and across the country desperately need a government that is focused on tackling the cost-of-living crisis, getting a grip of backlog Britain and growing our economy so it is firing on all cylinders.
We simply have no functioning government. I am keeping the pressure up on your behalf. In parliament I’ve been challenging the Tories at every step as they continue to prop up a leader that even they don’t believe in, and to breach our precious democratic conventions. And in the media I’ve been talking to Newsnight , LBC with Andrew Marr, BBC Radio 5, Times Radio and BBC Radio Bristol. I will carry on fighting the corner of my constituents, challenging this failing government, and working towards the Labour government that we all need.